Thursday, September 29, 2005

I missed blogging yesterday (hey, LOST was on tv), so here are two frog guys for the price of one. Where else are you going to find that type of deal on the web?


illustratorx said...

ts, I'm touched. You posted the exact same spam twice. Sounds like your 'bot has a redudancy code problem, or should I take the double post to mean I can actually make $1600 a month?

illustratorx said...

Maurice Nelson, are you related to Willie? Are you his French cousin or something. Maurice will you sing to me?

illustratorx said...

Maybe I commented a little too quickly. I checked out ts's and Maurice's "get rich quick" websites. I admit ts’s “How to Loan Shark to Your Friends for Fun and Profit” idea sounds intriguing while Maurice’s list of supposedly non-vital organs you can sell on the black market kind of turned my stomach (which you can get $1200 for in some third world countries and still live a normal active life.)